BUYER GOT COLD FEET!! Hurry before its back under contract!! Now is the time to FALL in love with 310 Francis Drive! The picturesque setting is unmatched and could be yours. From the moment you drive up, you will notice the love and care the seller have had for their home for many years. The front manicured landscaping is so inviting. Step inside the charming colonial style home with living room on your left and family room/home office/play room on your right. Step further into the spacious eat in kitchen with connected dining room. Here you'll get your first glimpse of the stunning rear yard. A half bath and laundry complete the first floor. Time to relax? Upstairs you'll find four spacious bedrooms that can be used in many ways- bedrooms, office, music room, play room.. possibilities are endless. The full hallway bathroom is ample in size and storage space. The primary bedroom with en suite bathroom make for a luxurious space to relax and unwind. Need more space? The fully finished basement is perfect for spreading out or entertaining! The built in bar stays- time to make your own memories! We got a glimpse earlier, but now lets head out to the stunning rear yard.. the birds are chirping and the hot tub is running- ahh so peaceful! Plenty of green space and and fully fenced for you furry friend! One year AHS Home Warranty include for the buyer! Haverford School District- Go Fords!!
We all know that the world has changed and Real Estate has as well. If you are contemplating selling or buying, please allow me the opportunity to talk with you about my “Win/Win” Real Estate solution!